Monday, January 31, 2011

Best Herbal supplements For Women

Herbal sex pills for women seem to be getting more and more popular with a larger number of women opting for them to help them enjoy more satisfying and fulfilling sex.
Herbal sex pills for women are the most natural cure for treating problems like:
  • low libido and
  • vaginal dryness.
Such pills work by:
  • Increasing blood flow to the genitals
  • increasing the production of nitric oxide and
  • boosting the production of estrogen naturally
Various herbs have been used as sexual stimulants for centuries. Now such herbs are being used to formulate potent and highly effective pills or supplements that can help you regain your interest in sex.This can help add a little spice to your sex life which is good for your relationship. After all, sexual gratification of the both the partners is one of the most important aspects of a healthy relationship.
Such herbal pills comprise of herbs like ginkgo biloba, horny goat weed, tribulus terrestris, hops extract etc.,
Ginkgo biloba is largely used as a brain tonic but more than that it helps increase blood flow to the genitals. It is clinically proven to be highly effective in increasing libido and sexual function in both men and women.
Horny goat weed helps boost the secretion of nitric oxide which acts as a catalyst in increasing blood flow. Nitric oxide is the sex chemical that is helps muscles relax so that blood vessels can dilate or widen up and allow more blood into the clitoris.
Hops extract is highly effective in curing vaginal dryness and is a natural remedy to increase estrogen production in your body without the side effects of hormone replacement therapy.
Other ingredients in such supplements include niacin, mucuna pruriens, melatonin, DHEA etc., Such pills increase blood circulation and ensure engorgement of the clitoris. They tend to increase response to sexual stimulation so that you can climax soon after foreplay. Such supplements are safe and free of side effects and help increase fertility as well. Moreover, you can use them along with birth control pills without fearing about the side effects.
If you want to enjoy more satisfying sex, check out more on the Best Sex Pills for women that have helped many a women like you boost their sex drive naturally and without any side effects.
Martha Jacobs is a specialist in women's health and has helped many a women improve their sex lives through natural products. Find out more on the Best Female Libido Boosters including pills and lubricants that are all natural and can do wonders for your sex life.

Best Natural Cure For low estrogen

Vaginal dryness is one of the most common sexual problems among women. Most women experience it post menopause. One of the most significant causes of low estrogen is a drop in the production of estrogen levels in your body. Low estrogen levels make walls of the vagina thin and dry and this makes penetrative sex highly uncomfortable and even painful.
Most women experience constant itching in the vagina. This can be a truly hopeless situation. Besides this, there can even be bleeding during intercourse. This can rob you of your sexual urge as well. Most women lose interest in sex due to this sexual disorder.
Though certain natural or herbal supplements are the best natural cure for vaginal dryness, here are some tips that can also be a big help:
  • Drink a lot of Water- The whole idea is to keep your body well hydrated. Dehydration can aggravate vaginal dryness. Hence, you must drink at leas 8 full glasses of water every day.
  • Foods that Increase Estrogen- There are certain foods that can help increase the production of estrogen in your body. Soy and soy products are a great example of such foods. You must include them in your diet.
  • Include Essential Fats in Your Diet- Not all fat is bad, Your body needs essential fatty acids like Omega 3 for the production of hormones like estrogen and progesterone.
  • Stop Smoking- Cigarettes can increase vaginal dryness in women. Hence, it is a great idea to quit smoking.
Such supplements are the best natural remedy for this menopause dryness. They are a blend of age old herbs and other natural ingredients such as ginkgo biloba, ginseng, red raspberry, black cohosh, ginger root, damiana, hops extract, tribulus etc.,
Such supplements not only increase blood flow to the clitoris but also help increase natural lubrication. Red raspberry, hops extract and damiana are some of the herbs that are highly effective in relieving vaginal dryness. They can also help relieve hot flashes.
Such herbal supplements not only cure menopause dryness but also help boost your sex drive or libido. High quality supplements are clinically approved and do not have any side effects.
Besides such supplements, there are some gels or lubricants that can also be a great help. Such lubricants are based on Transdermal technology and act instantly on application. They can increase lubrication and make you enjoy sensation that you would have not imagined even in your wildest dreams.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Estrogen Imbalance

The human body functions best when it is balanced in every area. When one area is out of balance the entire body is effected. Traditional medicine as a whole has not recognized this powerful truth. At menopause, estrogen decreases by 40 to 60 percent. However, progsterone decreases are about 12 tiimes greater nearly to zero, creating a hormone imbalance.
Estrogen and progesterone are closely interrelated in many ways. In normally functioning premenopausal women, estrogens are made from progesterone and/or from androgens within the cells of the ovaries. After menopause, estrogens are converted from adrenal produced androgens, primarily in the body fat. (This is a major reason for women to maintain normal body weight.) A key to hormone balance is knowing when estrogen becomes the dominant hormone and progesterone is deficient. There are very few western women that are deficient in estrogen. Most are deficient in progesterone.
The problem is not high levels of estrogen, but estrogen that is unopposed (balanced) by progestrone. It is worthwhile to compare unopposed estrogen to the progesterone balancing effect to see the importance of progesterone. Estrogen causes breast stimulation - progesterone protects against fibrocystic breasts; estrogen increases body fat - progesterone helps use fat for energy; estrogen causes salt and fluid retention - progesterone is a natural diuretic; estrogen increrases blood clotting - progesterone normalizes blood clotting; estrogen decreases sex drive - progesterone restores sex drive; estrogen reduces oxygen levels in all cells - progesterone restores proper cell oxygen levels; estrogen slightly restrains osteoclast function - progesterone stimulates osteoblast bone building; estrogen increases risk of autoimmune disorders - progesterone is a precursor of corticosteriods; estrogen increases risks of breast cancer - progesterone helps prevents breast cancer and estrogen increases risk of endometrial cancer - progesterone prevents endometrial cancer.
These are just a few examples of why it is important to maintain hormone balance between estrogen and progesterone. If a woman is already estrogen dominant and the doctor prescribes estrogen and does nothing to increase progesterone, the imbalance becomes greater as well as the risks associated with estrogen dominance.
Other common traits at menopause are increased facial hair and hair loss, usually caused by unopposed estrogen. It is not uncommon for premenopausal women to have low progesterone levels as well, allowing unopposed estrogen to cause some of the same side effects that occur in menopausal women. Signs and symptoms of estrogen dominance in premenopausal women are: Water retention, edema (swelling, bloating), fatigue, lack of energy, breast swelling, fibrocystic breast, premenstrual mood swings, depression, loss of sex drive, heavy or irregular menses, uterine fibroids, carving for sweets, weight gain, fat deposition at hips and thighs, and symptoms of low thyroid such as cold hands and feet. Supplementing with progesterones creams can help these problems.
Our bodies are remarkably resilient and capable of maintaining balance in all areas if the proper tools are provided. Hormone balance is no different. Diet and lifestyle is the key.
These simple tips will go a long way in balancing hormones in the body.
1. Do not smoke.
2. Eliminate alcohol consumption.
3. Eat whole, fresh organic foods and avoid refined and processed foods, additives, preservatives and colors.
4. Drink plenty of clean water and avoid sodas.
5. Keep fat consumption to 20 -30% of calorie intake.
6. Use olive oil and avoid hydrogenated oils.
7. Eat meat in small portions. Eat more fish.
8. Eat modest servings of eggs, yogurt, and deep-sea cold water fish several times a week.
9. Take a complete natural multivitamin with antioxidants daily. (Not a one-a-day.)
10. Exercise on a regular basis - including weight training three times a week.
11. Maintain a healthy digestive system and colon with digestive enzymes and acidophilus if necessary.
12. Use progesterone cream if necessary.
13. Stay away from HRT.
14. A calcium/magnesium supplement is needed in addition to a multi-vitamin.

Estrogen Infertility Explained

Infertility issues seems to be on the increase unfortunately for many, especially estrogen infertility related issues. In today's modern society statistics advise us that more and more women are unable to become pregnant. There are numerous reasons why women are having problems with infertility today. Lifestyle are the biggest contributory factor in the wave of increased infertility in females in today's modern society.
The most predominant causative factor associated with female infertility are related to estrogen infertility related factors. Infertility related conditions where the causative factor can be attributed to estrogen hormone issues are in general known as estrogen infertility. Estrogen is the predominantly female hormone that plays a crucial role in a womans menstrual cycle especially where ovulation and menstruation are concerned.
Regular menstruation and conception are adversely affected if the estrogen hormone levels are not in the correct concentrations or not at the right levels during the necessary time when needed in the menstrual cycle. Due to the holistic and synergistic balance and effect of the whole metabolic process of the body due to all hormones having to be at its optimum and in a fine balance, estrogen production and regulation are easily disrupted, if any of the other associated hormones are imbalanced. That is why there are such a major increase in fertility related issues due to the disruption to the estrogen hormonal levels. There are various well known reasons that are the contributory causes of these estrogen hormonal balances. A direct link has been found and proven between, smoking - active and passive, pollution and the use of herbicides, pesticides and hormones in our food and water,that all cause adverse reactions in a womans delicate menstrual cycle especially where the estrogen hormone are concerned and were pregnancy are desired. Estrogen concentrations during the different phases of the menstrual cycle can be measured by a simple blood test.
For infertility related issues you will need to visit your doctor, for him to determine if your problems with conception might be due to a estrogen infertility related problem or not. Fertility can be adversely affected by an increased or decreased level of estrogen hormone during the wrong phase of your menstrual cycle and so affect your reproductive health and chances of becoming pregnant. An increase of estrogen hormone levels are known as estrogen hormone dominance and will affect your menstrual cycle and therefor your chances to conceive. The condition known as estrogen hormone dominance is the comparison of the levels of the hormone estrogen during certain phases of the menstrual cycle compared to the levels of the hormone progesterone. If it is found that estrogen hormone dominance is the cause of your infertility then you know why your reproductive system are not working correctly and now something can be done about it. If estrogen dominance are the cause of your estrogen infertility and it is not treated then the chances of becoming pregnant are very slim indeed.
The problem however are that fact that if left untreated it can cause other health related problems for you. Estrogen dominance are also the leading cause of conditions such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis as well. Estrogen hormonal infertility related issues are luckily, if diagnosed correctly early enough, easily treatable in most cases with excellent results. Supplementary fertility hormones, prescribed by your doctor, and regular monitoring, are normally all that are required to get your reproductive system to maintain a regular healthy menstrual cycle and your estrogen infertility problems will be at an end. Another treatment option your doctor might decide on that is viable for your specific condition are to prescribe medications that actually regulate the uptake of estrogen hormones by blocking the estrogen receptors. Estrogen infertility should not prevent you from your desire to conceive and have your own baby it can be overcome by doing something about it with the help of your primary health care provider and a healthy lifestyle.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Boost Female Libido Naturally

A drop in libido is what a lot of women experience as they get older. There are many reasons behind this such as increased stress levels, fatigue, relationship conflict, marital discord, hormonal changes in the body, certain medications etc.
Here are some ways to boost female libido naturally:
1. Exercise
Exercise is one of the best ways to increase blood flow to the genitals. Increased blood flow to the genitals helps boost libido in women. A simple brisk walk every day can also do wonders for your libido. It is not necessary to hit the gym every day. Try to increase your physical activity in any way you can think of.
Playing with your kids is a great idea as well.
2. Certain Foods
There are some foods that have been used to enhance sexual potency in both men and women. For instance, oysters are a great example.
Chocolates are also a great example of such foods. Cayenne also helps increase blood flow to the genitals which helps increase libido or sex drive in women. Not only this, foods that contain essential fats are also effective in enhancing libido since they unclog arteries and increase blood circulation in your body.
Besides this, certain foods can help increase estrogen production in your body. Such foods not only help raise libido but also help alleviate other problems like vaginal dryness etc., Soy and soy products are the best examples of such foods.
3. Natural Libido Supplements
Natural supplements can be a big help. Though they have arrived late on the scene, they seem to have done for women what Viagra has done for men.
Such supplements are packed with some of the best herbs and other essential nutrients that are known to enhance sexual desire in women.

Such supplements not only increase blood flow to the clitoris but also help elevate the production of sex hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone naturally and without the side effects of hormone replacement therapy. Not only this, they also help achieve a balance between these sex hormones which is important to ensure improved libido and proper sexual function.
They help increase natural lubrication so that you can overcome vaginal dryness. Besides this, they also help alleviate menopause symptoms.
Such supplements not only boost libido in women but also help increase response to sexual stimulation so that you can climax soon after foreplay. Not just this, they can also help you achieve intense and multiple orgasms.
Top notch supplements are clinically approved and do not have any side effects.
So, If You Want to Boost Your Libido Naturally, Check out the Best Libido Supplement for Women that has become a big hit with women seeking sexual enhancement.

Increase Estrogen Level Naturally

The human body functions best when it is balanced in every area. When one area is out of balance the entire body is effected. Traditional medicine as a whole has not recognized this powerful truth. At menopause, estrogen decreases by 40 to 60 percent. However, progsterone decreases are about 12 tiimes greater nearly to zero, creating a hormone imbalance.
Estrogen and progesterone are closely interrelated in many ways. In normally functioning premenopausal women, estrogens are made from progesterone and/or from androgens within the cells of the ovaries. After menopause, estrogens are converted from adrenal produced androgens, primarily in the body fat. (This is a major reason for women to maintain normal body weight.) A key to hormone balance is knowing when estrogen becomes the dominant hormone and progesterone is deficient. There are very few western women that are deficient in estrogen. Most are deficient in progesterone.
The problem is not high levels of estrogen, but estrogen that is unopposed (balanced) by progestrone. It is worthwhile to compare unopposed estrogen to the progesterone balancing effect to see the importance of progesterone. Estrogen causes breast stimulation - progesterone protects against fibrocystic breasts; estrogen increases body fat - progesterone helps use fat for energy; estrogen causes salt and fluid retention - progesterone is a natural diuretic; estrogen increrases blood clotting - progesterone normalizes blood clotting; estrogen decreases sex drive - progesterone restores sex drive; estrogen reduces oxygen levels in all cells - progesterone restores proper cell oxygen levels; estrogen slightly restrains osteoclast function - progesterone stimulates osteoblast bone building; estrogen increases risk of autoimmune disorders - progesterone is a precursor of corticosteriods; estrogen increases risks of breast cancer - progesterone helps prevents breast cancer and estrogen increases risk of endometrial cancer - progesterone prevents endometrial cancer.
These are just a few examples of why it is important to maintain hormone balance between estrogen and progesterone. If a woman is already estrogen dominant and the doctor prescribes estrogen and does nothing to increase progesterone, the imbalance becomes greater as well as the risks associated with estrogen dominance.
Other common traits at menopause are increased facial hair and hair loss, usually caused by unopposed estrogen. It is not uncommon for premenopausal women to have low progesterone levels as well, allowing unopposed estrogen to cause some of the same side effects that occur in menopausal women. Signs and symptoms of estrogen dominance in premenopausal women are: Water retention, edema (swelling, bloating), fatigue, lack of energy, breast swelling, fibrocystic breast, premenstrual mood swings, depression, loss of sex drive, heavy or irregular menses, uterine fibroids, carving for sweets, weight gain, fat deposition at hips and thighs, and symptoms of low thyroid such as cold hands and feet. Supplementing with progesterones creams can help these problems.
Our bodies are remarkably resilient and capable of maintaining balance in all areas if the proper tools are provided. Hormone balance is no different. Diet and lifestyle is the key.
These simple tips will go a long way in balancing hormones in the body.
1. Do not smoke.
2. Eliminate alcohol consumption.
3. Eat whole, fresh organic foods and avoid refined and processed foods, additives, preservatives and colors.
4. Drink plenty of clean water and avoid sodas.
5. Keep fat consumption to 20 -30% of calorie intake.
6. Use olive oil and avoid hydrogenated oils.
7. Eat meat in small portions. Eat more fish.
8. Eat modest servings of eggs, yogurt, and deep-sea cold water fish several times a week.
9. Take a complete natural multivitamin with antioxidants daily. (Not a one-a-day.)
10. Exercise on a regular basis - including weight training three times a week.
11. Maintain a healthy digestive system and colon with digestive enzymes and acidophilus if necessary.
12. Use progesterone cream if necessary.
13. Stay away from HRT.
14. A calcium/magnesium supplement is needed in addition to a multi-vitamin.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Try Natural Estrogen Supplements

These natural estrogen supplements make great menopause natural remedies. They can boost your low estrogen level and your progesterone level, helping to give you menopause help.
Don Quai: Another common name for this herb is Angelica. This plant is native to Europe and Asia. Historically, people used this herb to ward off evil spirits and the plague, and Chinese women have been using it for menstrual and menopausal issues for centuries.
It contains natural plant estrogen (phytoestrogen), which helps to balance women's menopausal hormones. Along with helping such symptoms of menopause as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and digestive problems, it can also help you to avoid osteoporosis and increase circulation to help you avoid high blood pressure.
Black Cohosh: Scientists are not exactly sure how this herb works, but some believe that it gives our bodies estrogen like effects which help to ease hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, depression, and menstrual cramps.
However it works, Native American and Chinese women have been using it for centuries. Don't use in continuously; use if for six months or so, then stop for a few months. Don't take this herb if you have breast cancer or if you are pregnant or nursing.
Licorice Root: This herbal remedy has been used by the Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese, and Hindus. In fact, Egyptians believed that licorice root was a key ingredient in making a sweet drink in the after world, so many royalties like King Tut were buried with licorice root.
Along with balancing our hormones because of the plant estrogen that it contains, it also gives us an anti-inflammatory effect because of its cortisone-like effects on the body.
It can help cure: depression, fatigue, irregular periods, vaginal dryness, breast tenderness, headaches, and digestive issues like heartburn and constipation.
It can cause hypertension, so don't take it if you have high blood pressure or if you are pregnant.
Chasteberry: This herb has a long history as well. It is referred to in Homer's The Illiad, and as the name suggests, monks used to use the seeds to cut down their sex drive, although it's not proven that loss of libido is caused from taking chasteberry.
This herb helps to balance estrogen and progesterone levels. It encourages your body to produce more progesterone and less estrogen. This can be especially helpful in pre menopause when our progesterone levels are quite low. It can help cure hot flashes, night sweats, depression, and breast tenderness. It is also used in Chinese medicine to treat colds, migraines, and arthritis.
Don't take it if you are pregnant or nursing.
Feverfew: This plant is used to treat only one ailment-- migraines. It comes from the Latin words "febris" and fugare, which basically means drive away fever.
It is a member of the daisy family, and its active ingredient is parthenolide which helps blood circulation. It acts to prevent migraines, so taking it will not stop a migraine that is in progress, but it will help to eliminate migraines from occurring in the first place.

Estrogen Side Effects

Estrogen side effects definitely exist, and one should understand the difference between natural estrogen and synthetic estrogen. The most commonly prescribed synthetic estrogen is Premarin, currently manufactured by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. According to the manufacturer, the most frequent estrogen side effects for Premarin are -- vaginitis due to yeast or other causes, vaginal bleeding, painful menstruation and leg cramps. Wyeth also makes a Premarin vaginal cream -- its most commonly reported side effects include vaginal discomfort or pain, breast pain, vaginitis and itching.
The synthetic estrogen prescription drugs are not the same as natural estrogens occurring in the body. Since substances occurring naturally cannot be patented, drug companies alter the molecular structure and create a new substance that is patentable. However, the body treats synthetic drugs differently than natural substances, usually in the form of unwanted estrogen side effects.
The three main estrogens occurring in the body are estradiol, estrone and estriol. Natural estrogens are identical to those occurring in the human body and are easily available in the form of estriol creams and tablets.
According to Harvard-trained family physician Dr. John R. Lee in his book What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause, the estrogens tend to increase cell division in tissue that is hormone-sensitive such as breast and uterine tissue. Estradiol is about a thousand times stronger in its effect on breast tissue than is estriol. He references studies from the 1970's that showed that overexposure to estradiol increases the risk of breast cancer.
Besides estrogen side effects from synthetic estrogens, unhealthy excess estrogen is regularly obtained from other sources. Birth control pills, household chemicals and pesticides, certain foods that have been sprayed or given chemicals and many construction materials used in homes are all sources of estrogen which leads to estrogen side effects in the female body. Doctors call this hormone imbalance condition of excess estrogen in the body "estrogen dominance". What are these estrogen side effects or symptoms of estrogen dominance? The symptoms include low sex drive, bloating and weight gain, headaches before the menstrual period, mood swings, irregular periods and excessive menstrual bleeding.
In the normal menstrual cycle and a healthy woman, estrogen is the dominant hormone that is produced for the first 10-12 days following the previous menstrual flow. At ovulation the female body begins producing progesterone, which happens for the next 12 days or so. If there is no pregnancy, progesterone and estrogen levels will drop at around day 28, allowing menstruation to begin. However, if there is no ovulation, progesterone will not be produced by the body that month. This event is called an annovulatory cycle, and it is a typical occurance today for women in their 30's and 40's - no ovulation, no progesterone. This leaves the woman with a deficiency of progesterone, an excess of estrogen and resulting estrogen side effects. And if a hysterectomy has happened, surgical menopause means the woman no longer produces progesterone, resulting in hormone imbalance.
If estrogen side effects from synthetic estrogen are a problem, consider using the safer natural estrogen form which is estriol. Read more about estrogen side effects, natural estrogen supplementation and physician-recommended natural treatments for dealing with hormone imbalance.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Natural Ways to increase estrogen

How can you naturally increase your testosterone while decreasing your estrogen levels so you naturally burn off that chest fat and lose those man boobs?
What type of exercise routine should you do? How should you eat?
And do any of the gynecomastia supplements work (or are there any other supplements you should be taking?)
Read this article right now to find out the answers to these questions and MORE!
No more foreplay, Here's 5 ways to increase your T and burn off more chest fat:
  1. Eat Clean: Cut out the junk food. Eat protein, lean beef, chicken, fish (go for organic grass fed beef and free range chicken and deep sea caught fish whenever possible). Eat fresh vegetables for your carbs, don't eat too much fruit. Don't worry about fat. Schedule in one "Cheat" day a week so you don't over binge on junk food because you can't stick to your new "diet". Just start eating clean and don't worry about "diets" -- they're just fads and don't work in the long run.
  2. Do tough, manly exercises: To beef up your testosterone levels, Do "compound" weight-lifting exercises that train several large muscle groups, and not just one or two smaller muscles. Example: studies show that doing squats, bench presses or pullups increase your levels more than doing curls, tricep push-downs, etc... even though the effort may seem and feel the same. That's why doing squats can help you build bigger biceps.
  3. Do Five Reps Per Set: Don't lift light weights either. Start off by using a heavy weight that you can only lift five times. That weight is around 85% of your 1RM (one-rep maximum). A Swedish study found that this workload produced the greatest boosts in testosterone levels in men. Remember this for big compound exercies like Deadlifts, Squats, Bench Presses, Overhead Lifts, etc so you'll still get a good workout.
  4. Do Three to Five Sets of Each Exercise Penn State University scientists determined that this fosters greater increases in testosterone than just one or two sets. Rest a full minute-3 minutes between sets (start with 1 minute and as you get more tired through your workout increase your rest time, but don't go above 3 minutes.), so you can regain enough strength to continue lifting at least 70% of your one-rep maximum during the second, third, and possiblly 4th and 5th sets.
  5. Avoid Overtraining like the plague: You need to allow your body to recuperate adequately between your training sessions - your circulating testosterone levels can plunge by as much as 40 PERCENT according to studies performed at the University of North Carolina if you don't. here's how to know if you're overtraining: irritability, insomnia, muscle shrinkage, always feeling tired. To avoid overtraining, make sure you sleep a full 8 hours at night and never stress the same muscles with weight-lifting movements two days in a row. Also you can use some supplements that can help you recover faster, like fish oil, Zinc (almost everyone I know is deficient in Zinc), a multivitamin and protein powder
This list will give you a GREAT start on losing your man boobs, increasing your T levels and decreasing your estrogen levels, but if you're wondering...
"What else can you do to accelerate you results?"
Try a chest fat burner like Ultimate Gynemax or Gynexin. These are gynecomastia supplements made specifically for guys that want to get rid of their man boobs. (You should check out the link in my resource box for my review website where I review all these supplements and other lose man boob programs.)
These supplements do work (some better than others) but they're no replacement for doing the exercise and eating things you should be doing. Follow the 5 steps above simultaneously though while using one of these supplements and you're almost GUARANTEED to lose your man boobs fast because they'll synergistically work together to accelerate your results.
About the Fitness expert: Caleb Lee after getting many requests from subscribers, decided to find out what really works and what is just a waste of money for losing man boobs. He then created a review site to review Gynexin, Ultimate Gynemax and other gynecomastia supplements and treatment options.

Symptoms of low estrogen level

Estrogen is one of the most important hormones as far as sexual health in women is concerned. The production of this hormone begins slowing down during middle age or menopause and results in a whole lot of body and behavioral changes in women.
Reduced estrogen levels make women experience mood swings, depression, fatigue, lack of concentration, anxiety, headaches and memory problems. Not only this it is also one of the prime reasons of low libido and vaginal dryness in women.
Low estrogen levels make the walls of the vagina thin and dry which not only makes intercourse painful but also leads to bleeding during intercourse. This is like another blow to female libido or sex drive. Women become disinterested in sex and this can lead to relationship problems.
How to Enhance Estrogen Level and Boost Female Libido
Though hormone therapy is one the treatments available, it is not really advisable because of the side effects involved. Another great option which has found immense popularity among middle age women to boost their libido and overcome other sexual problems is natural libido enhancing supplements.
These supplements not only increase your body's estrogen production but also increase blood flow to the genitals, thereby providing a thrust to your sexual desires. They also increase response to sexual stimulation so that you can climax soon after foreplay.
Such supplements also increase the production of nitric oxide which blood vessels expand resulting in increased blood flow to the clitoris.
Such supplements are a mix of various herbs and other natural ingredients such as ginkgo, horny goat weed or epimedium sagittatum, tribulus terrestris, melatonin, niacin, DHEA etc.,
These natural libido enhancers not only ensure an improved libido but also boost your production of estrogen and testosterone without the side effects of hormone replacement therapy.
Some of the top quality supplements are clinically approved and do not have any side effects. In fact, they do not even interfere with any other medication that you might be taking such as birth control pills.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Increase Estrogen Naturally

By finding how to increase your estrogen naturally and quickly, you may be in a good place to naturally re-balance all other areas of health care, too. It's a sad fact today, that people tend to look at parts of their body as the problem. The truth lies in your lack of balance as a whole person. A part may show up first, being your weak point. But if left to continue, the whole of you will show problems.
You may have been told you have a problem with your estrogen levels so are looking for natural ways to restore this. But if you take into consideration the whole of you is out of balance, then you may get far faster, far deeper, far more far reaching results than you thought possible.
Let's look at the picture of disease. Disease is the name given to one or more specific problems you may have. In this case, low estrogen. But it could be anything.
Your natural given birthright is to have a healthy immune system which will prevent all disease or heal it quickly. The problem lies with all the tampering of this intangible but essential part of you. A poor diet, a stressful lifestyle, a lack of sufficient sleep, medication, drugs, vaccines, a toxic load, all contribute to an ailing immune system.
This means you need to take responsibility for your life, your lifestyle. You need to set in motion healthy actions to promote a healthy immunity.
Although all this is essential for your ongoing good health, you may be looking for a way to fast track the problems associated with low estrogen levels. And there is a way.
Homeopathic treatment is probably the most powerful, yet the most gentle modalities of health care. It doesn't work on parts of you. It works on the whole of you, restoring natural balance to your immune system so that you can restore your own good health.
This means that not only are your estrogen levels back in natural balance, so too are your energy levels, your sleep, your food cravings. In other words, the whole of you benefits from restoring your balance.
Whilst this process is best left to the skills of a professional homeopath, you can also learn to use some of the common remedies at home. This means you can save time, money as well as improved, natural health by natural supplements. You never know when prompt action can save the day.