The human body functions best when it is balanced in every area. When one area is out of balance the entire body is effected. Traditional medicine as a whole has not recognized this powerful truth. At menopause, estrogen decreases by 40 to 60 percent. However, progsterone decreases are about 12 tiimes greater nearly to zero, creating a hormone imbalance.
Estrogen and progesterone are closely interrelated in many ways. In normally functioning premenopausal women, estrogens are made from progesterone and/or from androgens within the cells of the ovaries. After menopause, estrogens are converted from adrenal produced androgens, primarily in the body fat. (This is a major reason for women to maintain normal body weight.) A key to hormone balance is knowing when estrogen becomes the dominant hormone and progesterone is deficient. There are very few western women that are deficient in estrogen. Most are deficient in progesterone.
The problem is not high levels of estrogen, but estrogen that is unopposed (balanced) by progestrone. It is worthwhile to compare unopposed estrogen to the progesterone balancing effect to see the importance of progesterone. Estrogen causes breast stimulation - progesterone protects against fibrocystic breasts; estrogen increases body fat - progesterone helps use fat for energy; estrogen causes salt and fluid retention - progesterone is a natural diuretic; estrogen increrases blood clotting - progesterone normalizes blood clotting; estrogen decreases sex drive - progesterone restores sex drive; estrogen reduces oxygen levels in all cells - progesterone restores proper cell oxygen levels; estrogen slightly restrains osteoclast function - progesterone stimulates osteoblast bone building; estrogen increases risk of autoimmune disorders - progesterone is a precursor of corticosteriods; estrogen increases risks of breast cancer - progesterone helps prevents breast cancer and estrogen increases risk of endometrial cancer - progesterone prevents endometrial cancer.
These are just a few examples of why it is important to maintain hormone balance between estrogen and progesterone. If a woman is already estrogen dominant and the doctor prescribes estrogen and does nothing to increase progesterone, the imbalance becomes greater as well as the risks associated with estrogen dominance.
Other common traits at menopause are increased facial hair and hair loss, usually caused by unopposed estrogen. It is not uncommon for premenopausal women to have low progesterone levels as well, allowing unopposed estrogen to cause some of the same side effects that occur in menopausal women. Signs and symptoms of estrogen dominance in premenopausal women are: Water retention, edema (swelling, bloating), fatigue, lack of energy, breast swelling, fibrocystic breast, premenstrual mood swings, depression, loss of sex drive, heavy or irregular menses, uterine fibroids, carving for sweets, weight gain, fat deposition at hips and thighs, and symptoms of low thyroid such as cold hands and feet. Supplementing with progesterones creams can help these problems.
Our bodies are remarkably resilient and capable of maintaining balance in all areas if the proper tools are provided. Hormone balance is no different. Diet and lifestyle is the key.
These simple tips will go a long way in balancing hormones in the body.
1. Do not smoke.
2. Eliminate alcohol consumption.
3. Eat whole, fresh organic foods and avoid refined and processed foods, additives, preservatives and colors.
4. Drink plenty of clean water and avoid sodas.
5. Keep fat consumption to 20 -30% of calorie intake.
6. Use olive oil and avoid hydrogenated oils.
7. Eat meat in small portions. Eat more fish.
8. Eat modest servings of eggs, yogurt, and deep-sea cold water fish several times a week.
9. Take a complete natural multivitamin with antioxidants daily. (Not a one-a-day.)
10. Exercise on a regular basis - including weight training three times a week.
11. Maintain a healthy digestive system and colon with digestive enzymes and acidophilus if necessary.
12. Use progesterone cream if necessary.
13. Stay away from HRT.
14. A calcium/magnesium supplement is needed in addition to a multi-vitamin.
Estrogen and progesterone are closely interrelated in many ways. In normally functioning premenopausal women, estrogens are made from progesterone and/or from androgens within the cells of the ovaries. After menopause, estrogens are converted from adrenal produced androgens, primarily in the body fat. (This is a major reason for women to maintain normal body weight.) A key to hormone balance is knowing when estrogen becomes the dominant hormone and progesterone is deficient. There are very few western women that are deficient in estrogen. Most are deficient in progesterone.
The problem is not high levels of estrogen, but estrogen that is unopposed (balanced) by progestrone. It is worthwhile to compare unopposed estrogen to the progesterone balancing effect to see the importance of progesterone. Estrogen causes breast stimulation - progesterone protects against fibrocystic breasts; estrogen increases body fat - progesterone helps use fat for energy; estrogen causes salt and fluid retention - progesterone is a natural diuretic; estrogen increrases blood clotting - progesterone normalizes blood clotting; estrogen decreases sex drive - progesterone restores sex drive; estrogen reduces oxygen levels in all cells - progesterone restores proper cell oxygen levels; estrogen slightly restrains osteoclast function - progesterone stimulates osteoblast bone building; estrogen increases risk of autoimmune disorders - progesterone is a precursor of corticosteriods; estrogen increases risks of breast cancer - progesterone helps prevents breast cancer and estrogen increases risk of endometrial cancer - progesterone prevents endometrial cancer.
These are just a few examples of why it is important to maintain hormone balance between estrogen and progesterone. If a woman is already estrogen dominant and the doctor prescribes estrogen and does nothing to increase progesterone, the imbalance becomes greater as well as the risks associated with estrogen dominance.
Other common traits at menopause are increased facial hair and hair loss, usually caused by unopposed estrogen. It is not uncommon for premenopausal women to have low progesterone levels as well, allowing unopposed estrogen to cause some of the same side effects that occur in menopausal women. Signs and symptoms of estrogen dominance in premenopausal women are: Water retention, edema (swelling, bloating), fatigue, lack of energy, breast swelling, fibrocystic breast, premenstrual mood swings, depression, loss of sex drive, heavy or irregular menses, uterine fibroids, carving for sweets, weight gain, fat deposition at hips and thighs, and symptoms of low thyroid such as cold hands and feet. Supplementing with progesterones creams can help these problems.
Our bodies are remarkably resilient and capable of maintaining balance in all areas if the proper tools are provided. Hormone balance is no different. Diet and lifestyle is the key.
These simple tips will go a long way in balancing hormones in the body.
1. Do not smoke.
2. Eliminate alcohol consumption.
3. Eat whole, fresh organic foods and avoid refined and processed foods, additives, preservatives and colors.
4. Drink plenty of clean water and avoid sodas.
5. Keep fat consumption to 20 -30% of calorie intake.
6. Use olive oil and avoid hydrogenated oils.
7. Eat meat in small portions. Eat more fish.
8. Eat modest servings of eggs, yogurt, and deep-sea cold water fish several times a week.
9. Take a complete natural multivitamin with antioxidants daily. (Not a one-a-day.)
10. Exercise on a regular basis - including weight training three times a week.
11. Maintain a healthy digestive system and colon with digestive enzymes and acidophilus if necessary.
12. Use progesterone cream if necessary.
13. Stay away from HRT.
14. A calcium/magnesium supplement is needed in addition to a multi-vitamin.
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